About Us

Our vision is to create sporting oppourtunities that foster enjoyment and participation while empowering success

  • Provide opportunities

    To provide sport and recreational opportunities for those who have a physical disability within the region of Otago

  • Lifestyle

    To promote a healthy lifestyle through sport and recreation

  • Awareness

    To create awareness of disability sport within the community

  • Junior Programmes

    To develop junior sport programmes

  • Integration

    To co-ordinate with existing sport and recreational groups and clubs to assist with the integration of people with disabilities.

ParaFed Otago

ParaFed Otago is the leading sport and recreation organisation in the Otago region for those with a physical disability. We offer quality sport and recreation services, facilities and equipment for people with physical disabilities (including visual impairments).

Our office is based at Sport Otago and we work with a variety of individuals, families, clubs, schools, and organisations throughout the Otago region.

At ParaFed Otago we are passionate about creating sporting opportunities that foster enjoyment and participation while empowering success, whatever your skill level.

Our vision is to create sporting opportunities that foster enjoyment and participation while empowering success

Our Team

  • Brendan Brown


    I have been involved with ParaFed Otago since 2022 when I joined the committee. My involvement was born out of my work with ACC and during the last few years has seen me filling the role of Secretary and subsequently the role of Chairperson. I am proud of the work that ParaFed Otago does with individuals, families, clubs, schools, and organisations throughout the Otago region.

  • Cam Wilson


    Cam has been involved with ParaFed Otago since 2015 when he joined the committee and took on the Treasurer’s role. He was introduced to the organisation through his son, Liam, who competes in Para - athletics.

  • Paris Skipper

    Sports Development Officer

  • Sara Edwards

    Committee Secretary

    I have been involved with ParaFed Otago for a long time. My interest came from being a Wheelchair Rugby Classifier and a Physiotherapist interested in Parasport. I have recently taken on the role of Secretary.

  • Paul Coffey

    Committee Member

  • Thomas Van Dyk

    Committee Member

  • Emma Beckingsale

    Committee Member

    I became involved with Parafed Otago through my daughter Nova attending a ‘give it a go day’ in 2019. Since then, we have been regular attendees at the Halberg Games with the Parafed Otago team. I believe sport and recreation should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their ability. With joining the committee I hope to be able to assist further with this in our community.

  • Will Fraser

    Committee Member

    I have been involved with Parafed Otago as a parent supporting my son Lincoln since 2022. As an educator and parent I have seen the benefit Parafed can have on the confidence of our tamariki. I also see it as an important community for our families. I am excited to join the committee and look forward to working with and for our Parafed community in Otago.